Enjoy our fun pumpkin facts

  • Pumpkins are usually orange but sometimes they are yellow, white, green or red.
  • The name pumpkin comes from the Greek word ‘pepon’, meaning ‘large melon’.
  • The pumpkin capital of the world is in the United States.
  • Pumpkins are big, an avarage size pumpkin might weight around 6 kilograms.
  • Giant pumpkins can be grown for competitions. In this year the haeviest pumpkin in Poland was the pumpkin ‘Matylda’, 839,8 kg. That’s huge!
  • There are about 500 seeds in every single one, so don’t try to count them all.
  • As a food, pumpkin can be baked, roasted, steamed or boiled.
  • Very popular is pumpkin soup and roasted pumpkin seeds.
  • Pumpkin pie is a sweet dessert  traditionally eaten in North America during harvest time and holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  • Pumpkins are popular decorations during Halloween. A carved pumpkin illuminated by candles is known as a ‘jack-o-lantern’.
  • The tradition of carving pumpkins for Halloween didn’t start in the United States as some people think.   The Irish brought this tradition with them when they came to live in America.
  • 100 grams of pumpkin produces around 26 calories of energy.
  • Pumpkins have plenty of Vitamin A which helps our bodies to fight  infections and illnesses and helps us to see better in the dark.
  • by Class 5b

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